Posted on 12/23/2022

An engine misfire is a common problem that can occur in a car's engine. It occurs when one or more of the cylinders in the engine is not firing correctly, causing the engine to run poorly or stall. There are several signs that your car may be experiencing a engine misfires: Rough Idle- If the engine is misfiring, it may run roughly or shake when idling. Loss of Power - A misfiring engine may also experience a loss of power and may struggle to accelerate or maintain speed. Decreased Fuel Efficiency - An engine misfire can also cause a decrease in fuel efficiency. Check Engine Light - In many cases, an engine misfire will trigger the check engine light on the dashboard. Common Causes of an Engine Misfire An engine misfire can occur for a variety of reasons, including: Faulty spark plugs - Spark plugs provided the spark that ignites the fuel in the engine's cylinders. If a spark plug is worn out or malfunctioning, an engine misfire can occur.. Malfunctioning fuel injector ... read more
Posted on 11/29/2022
If you've ever noticed the discs attached to each wheel of your vehicle, then you know what brake rotors are. Brake rotors are responsible for slowing down the wheel rotation of your vehicle thus causing it to stop. They do this by sending a signal to the calipers through the master brake cylinder. The calipers then grip the break pads against the rotors. Causes of Warped Brake rotors The main cause for warped brakes is heat! This causes the surface of the brake rotors to become uneven and thus warped. Different brake rotors are created with different intended purposes such as riding on normal roads etc. If brake rotors made for one purpose are used in different circumstances, the pressure causes them to deform and causes the surface to become uneven. This lessens brake performance as the brake pads become unable to grasp on to metal efficiently. Another cause of warped brake pads is wear and tear. The surface of the brake rotors are worn down leaving only the harder bits raised ... read more
Posted on 10/30/2022

30/60/90k maintenance is another term used in the automotive repair industry for factory maintenance or factory scheduled maintenance. It is a schedule that is custom-made by automobile manufacturers. This maintenance schedule is very important in ensuring your vehicle lasts for a long time without ant unnecessary major repairs. Is 30/60/90k Maintenance Important? YES - Here are some of the most important reasons why you should keep your vehicle on time with this maintenance schedule: Keeps Your Warranty Valid - In some cases, negligence in following factory maintenance can void the warranty with the factory altogether. Prevent Problems - Following the schedule helps you from unwanted and unexpected trouble in the future. A tiny problem can be found when performing these tasks and squashed before they can be costly. Extend the Life of Your Car - Regular checks at thes ... read more