Posted on 3/27/2024

Are you experiencing unusual vibrations while driving? Perhaps your vehicle seems to veer to one side, or you notice uneven tire wear. These could be signs that your wheels are out of alignment. Ignoring them could lead to decreased fuel efficiency, premature tire wear, and compromised safety - but how can you spot them before it gets too late? 1. Uneven or Rapid Tire Wear One of the most apparent signs of misaligned wheels is uneven tire wear. Inspect your tires regularly for signs of uneven tread wear, such as excessive wear on the inner or outer edges of the tire. Uneven tire wear not only indicates misalignment but also reduces tire lifespan and compromises traction, especially in wet or slippery conditions. 2. Vehicle Pulling Have you noticed your vehicle drifting or pulling to one side while driving on a straight road? This could be a cle ... read more